Monday, February 14, 2011

Follow-Up on Ridiculous Art Post

After watching the YouTube video of pour painting posted in my previous entry, I became fascinated by the brains behind that outfit--New York artist Holton Rower. I ended up spending Friday night exploring his entire website (Check it out at and discovered--to my great surprise--that I love Rower's sculpture more than his painting. He works primarily in found objects including money, pipes, hooks, hair, books, and locks. Scroll down to see three of my favorites!

Here is sculpture created out of rolled up dollar bills and thread. So tiny but so cool!

And this one is made of pipes!

And finally, my absolute favorite of the sculptures:

It's made entirely out of locks and keys! I want it to be a chandelier in my future home. Holton Rower, make that happen, please and thank you.

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